Introduction: Wood Ocarina Made of Walnut
I made this before there were any tutorials online about wood ocarinas, now there is one by gladiator Bob, you can find it here
I have never played an ocarina before, so I had to do a lot of research to learn how they work. I found the greenverdugo website to be very helpful in learning how clay ocarinas are made, and I transferred those techniques to woodworking . Their website can be found here
I am thinking about selling these in the near future, after I improve my technique. I may also make a full instructable if I choose to make more.
I have never played an ocarina before, so I had to do a lot of research to learn how they work. I found the greenverdugo website to be very helpful in learning how clay ocarinas are made, and I transferred those techniques to woodworking . Their website can be found here
I am thinking about selling these in the near future, after I improve my technique. I may also make a full instructable if I choose to make more.