Introduction: Wooden Heart Box

This instructable is meant to teach others how to create a heartbox similar to the one I have created above.


You'll need a thin wood plank, along with potentially wood stainer or paint. For tools, you'll want a laser cutter to cut the wood

Step 1: Setup

First, you'll want to go to and select the heart box, then configure it to your dimensions! The image above is an example of the page that you'll access to create your heart box.

Step 2: Export to Engraving Software

For this example, we'll be using Retina Engrave V3. You'll want to export your box as an SVG from and import the SVG into a fresh RE3 project.

Step 3: Edits for Cutting

To optimize the space used and make the box easier to cut, click the freshly imported box, then press Ungroup Selected. Delete Element 0-20 to remove the size text, then move Element 23 and 24 under 21 and 22 as shown in the image above.

For cutting, do a speed and power of 100.

Step 4: Add Preferred Styling

After these steps, you can begin personalizing your box to be unique! Add images or text to your box as you wish!

For me personally, I added the obliteration logo and the bag of holding as a joke for the box being a container, along with some fun text!

Note that these engravings will make the laser-cutting process take longer to complete.

For engraving, do a speed of 100, and a power of 40-50!

Step 5: Laser Cut the Box!

Cut out the freshly customized box! Do note that heavily customized/detailed boxes may take a while to cut!

Step 6: Put Pieces Together

Connect the freshly cut pieces of the box together, secure the pieces with wood glue, and enjoy your newly made box!