Introduction: Wooden Stand of Trees -Simple Craft Projects

About: I am a teacher who enjoys environmentally responsible woodworking. Most evenings will find me in the shop working with my now 8 year old son Shay who is both my greatest helper and biggest fan.
A fun project that lets the kiddos help and participate around the shop! 

This is something I make and sell at craft shows in the $10-$30 range depending on the complexity.  If you were making something like this for yourself you could spend endless amounts of time mixing woods, blending colors and sanding.  For us it is more of a production run kind of thing.  My son is always a helper in the shop and to see his painting on a finished project of Daddies makes him very happy.  I don't claim to be the first one to ever do this thouh I can say I honestly thought up the concept myself intependantly.
Holiday Contest

Participated in the
Holiday Contest