Introduction: Wooden Toys During the Lockdown

About: I am a Marine Engineer in the RNZN (45 years done in various navies) and am looking forward to retirement!!! so I can do more messing about with tools
So Auntie Cindy (Jacinda Ardern) has decided that New Zealand will be locked down for 4 to 5 weeks due to Covid19
As we were slightly forewarned, I managed to buy in some supplies to do a few jobs around the property, building a sheep press, sorting the orchard, clipping the hedges etc.
That covered the first week so now what?...
Well once I had tidied the shed, I decided that I might use some of the scrap wood up that I found and make some toys


Scrap pieces of wood flooring, 4x2s, decking ,plywood and bolts
Band saw
Bench sander
Wood glue

Step 1: The Wood and Marking Out

For this toy, I was going to make a batmobile
I chose 2 pieces of mahogany decking to sandwich a piece of pine
The design was drawn on the mahogany and the two pieces were screwed together through the axle centers ready for cutting out (so they would be the same shape)

Step 2: Cutting Out

The main upper body shape and rear were cut out on the band saw, a basic center shape was also traced and cut from pine

Step 3: Cutting Out the Wheels

The two mahogany sides were unscrewed from each other and the wheels cut out using a hole saw.

Step 4: Wheels

The wheel centers were drilled out then the wheels were bolted together, mounted in a pillar drill and sanded to ensure that they were perfectly round, of equal size and smaller than the wheel arch size

Step 5: Assembly

The three body parts were then glued together and clamped and when dried the base was cut off to open the wheel arches.
A hole was drilled in the center pine piece to represent a windscreen.
The wheels were then mounted on long M6 bolts and the whole thing was preserved with a food safe oil

Step 6: Other Toys

Obviously I wasn't going to leave it at that so made some other toys too, a dragster, a tank and a couple of planes. Will have to find someone with kids to give to I guess
Woodworking Contest

Participated in the
Woodworking Contest