Introduction: Writing on Plastic

Have you ever needed to write on plastic and the ink didn't stick even when you used permanent marker. Well I work in a company that prints on plastic all the time. We prepare the plastic to get the ink to stick by oxidizing the surface first. In short we pass the plastic past a flame that lightly "burns" it. But not enough to see a discoloration.

Step 1: Writing With a Marker

So you want to write something. Try writing on plain plastic.

Step 2: Ink Comes Off

Rubbing a finger across the ink causes it to come off.

Step 3: Oxidize Surface

Use a candle or in some cases a small propane torch. Quickly move back and forth so the plastic doesn't melt or get discolored.

Step 4: Mark the Surface

Mark on the area you flame treated.

Step 5: Rub the Ink

Rub on the area with marker and flame treated. It should resist coming off.

Step 6: Candle May Cause Soot

A candle may cause a soot mark like the one in the picture. Using a small propane torch instead of a candle might avoid this.

First Time Author Contest

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First Time Author Contest

Epilog Contest VII

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Epilog Contest VII