Introduction: YATC5 - Temperature Controller Assembly Instructions

About: I design and sell two different electronic devices. The first devices desulfates old dying batteries. The second assists people with the fermentation of foods. When I am not working on electronics I like to gr…

The YATC5 is designed to make the fermentation of foods as easy as possible. Version 5 has many unique features. It is available for sale in kit or assembled form.

  • Waterproof - 3' long temperature probe
  • Datalogging - drop in bluetooth module or TTL serial
  • 100% Open Hardware
  • Digital Display
  • Celsius or Fahrenheit configuration
  • Memory - save settings through blackouts
  • Wide Temperature Range ( -67F to 257F) ( -55C to 125C )

Step 1: Blank PCB (top Side)

Step 2: Blank PCB (backside)

Step 3: Place and Solder 28-pin IC Socket (U1)

Note:There is a dimple on this device. It should be oriented to the right side of the circuit board.

Step 4: Place and Solder Slide Switches (S1, S2)

(S1) - Fahrenheit vs Celsius

(S2) - cool vs heat

Step 5: Place and Solder (R1, R2, R3)

300 ohm resistors [orange, black, brown, gold]

Step 6: Place and Solder a (R1)

1k ohm resistor [brown/black/red/gold]

Step 7: Place and Solder Diode (D2)

Note:The black line must be on the right side of the circuit board.

Step 8: Place and Solder the 16-pin 595 Mux Expander Chip

Note:There is a dimple on both devices that needs to be oriented on the right side of the circuit board.

Step 9: Place and Solder Decoupling Capactiors (C1, C2)

Note:Orient the minus sign on capacitors to the right side of the circuit board. The long leg must go in the square shapped pin.

Step 10: Place and Solder (R5)

4,700 ohm resistor [yellow, violet, red, gold]

Step 11: Place and Solder 2N3904 Transistor. (Q1)

Note:Orient the flat side of the transistor towards the left edge of the circuit board.

Step 12: Place and Solder 7-segment Display (D1)

Step 13: Place and Solder Both (CONN3) and (CONN1)

(CONN3) - DC barrel jack

(CONN1) - AC cord receptacle

Step 14: Place and Solder the Blue Terminal Block (CONN4)

Note:Make sure the open side faces the right edge of the circuit board.

Step 15: Place and Solder the Large AC Receptacle (CONN2)

Note:This device has 2 solder points on the top side and one on the bottom side of the circuit board.

Step 16: Place and Solder Large Blue Relay (K1)

Note:The text should appear upside down.

Step 17: Place and Solder (C1, C2)

Note: Orient the minus sign on the capacitors to the right side of the board.

Step 18: Place and Solder (U2) and (S3, S4)

(U2) 5v regulator

(S3, S4) Push buttons

Step 19: Squeeze Your Microcontroller Leads to Fit the IC Socket (U3)

Step 20: This Is the Amount of Curve You Are Looking for on the Leads.

Step 21: Install the 28-pin AVR Microcontroller

Note:There is a dimple on this device. It should be oriented to the right side of the circuit board.

Step 22: Solder Female Header for HC-06 Bluetooth Module or TTL Uart Access.

Step 23: Connect Temperature Probe to 3-pin Terminal Block.

Note:The wires must be connected in the correct order. The colors are labeled on the PCB.

  • top: red (vcc)
  • middle: black (gnd)
  • bottom: yellow (data)

Step 24: Flip Circuit Board and Use Plastic Rivets to Attach Plexiglass Base.