Introduction: How to Draw a Doggy!!

About: Don't worry be happy because Hakuna Matata! ?❤️ Luv you Hunter! My Cutie!! If you know who my pro pic if of... Then you are my friend?
For this project you'll need:

-markers, pencil, pen, crayons, etc.

Step 1: Face

Draw two circles. One circle must be overlapping the other circle. These will become your doggy's cheeks later on.

Step 2: Eyes

Then add two oval-ish shapes above your circles. Inside the oval thingies, shade in part of the oval thingies to make eyes!

Step 3: Nose and Finishing Eyes

Next, completely shade in the intersection between the two circles to make the nose.

TIP: For a shorter, rounder nose, make the circles rounder and make them closer together. For a longer, skinnier nose, make the circle longer and farther apart.

Make the whiskers right out of the two circles. Don't make them too long, or your doggy will look like a kitty!

Step 4: Whiskers and Head

Next add the head and the ears. Your ears' shape will vary, depending on what kind of doggy you are making. I'm making a Golden Retreiver!

Step 5: Coloring

Finally, you can add a tongue and you can color your doggy.

Step 6: Optional

If you want, you can add accessories such as:

-A bow
-A collar/leash
-an owner
-another doggy
-a hat
-a hairpiece

Step 7:

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My first post so...