Introduction: April Fools Your Computer

lol you can to some funny April fools stuff on your computer lol. well what you will get as a result is someone who doesn't know why they cant use anything on there desk top. so you kneed to take a screen shot of there desktop and then put it in paint then you can set it as the back ground and right click on the desk top and click on the"arrange icons by" part in it then when you do that go to the task bar and right click on it then click on "lock task bar" (if not checked off) then go to the task bar and put the cursor on the bar over it and pull it down (up or over it depends on where your task bar is). and there it is so . I'm in the April fools contest and if you like my instructable that please vote.☺
April Fools Contest

Participated in the
April Fools Contest