Introduction: Coconut Pie

About: Hi! I'm a slightly feral mountain hermit that likes to be helpful. I do community management at Instructables & Tinkercad. 🙌 Want to hear me chat about making? Search "CLAMP Podcast" on YouTube or your favorit…

This coconut pie is really quick and easy to whip up, though be warned - it's got to cool for a while before you chow down! Probably best to make it in the morning before you decide you NEED coconut pie.

This coconut pie recipe comes from Taste of Home, though I've altered it a teeny bit. The ladies over there truly know a thing or two about pies. Especially coconut ones!


Step 1: Ingredients:


  • 1 cup raw, shredded & unsweetened coconut
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • 1 tablespoon butter, melted
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt
  • pie crust (cheating today and using a ready made one!)

Probably all things you've got on hand. :D


Step 2: Mixing & Prepping the Crust

Mix together all the ingredients in a large bowl with a whisk - breaking up any clumps of flour, sugar or coconut that forms. :)

Get your crust into the pie plate and finish is however you like. I always fold over the edges and then press them with a fork. I also like to prick the bottom and sides to make sure I don't have any air bubbles.

One the filling the crust are prepped, pour the mixture into the crust! (yes, it is very runny! I promise it will firm up.)

Step 3: Baking!

Bake your pie at 350 F for 50-60 minutes. A knife inserted in the middle will come out clean when it's done. This pie is super wobbly when cooked through, so don't let that worry you. Once it cools slightly it will flatten out and firm out.

Let it cool down to room temperature before chowing down. It will cut much better at that point!

Enjoy on its own or with whipped cream - it's delicious either way :D

P.S. Be sure to store leftovers in the fridge! 

Pi Day Pie Contest

Participated in the
Pi Day Pie Contest

Full Spectrum Laser Contest

Participated in the
Full Spectrum Laser Contest