Introduction: Frozen Chocolate Grapettes

like sucking on an ice cube that taste like a grape after you get through the chocolatey goodness.

Step 1: Gather

get clean grapes and toothpicks

Step 2: Dip

cover your grape in chocolate cake icing

Step 3: Arrange on Plate

after you dip you place on the plate. You can place them as fancy as you like, the sky is the limit.

Step 4: Freeze

place in freezer, close door, salivate.

Step 5: Enjoy

when its frozen, serve. frozen grapes without the chocolate are just as good and the kids will take longer eating a single grape.

Step 6:

squeeze more awesome out of summer contest

Participated in the
squeeze more awesome out of summer contest

Frozen Treats Contest

Participated in the
Frozen Treats Contest