Introduction: How to Make a Cool House in Minecraft

This ible is to show you how to make a house in Minecraft PC or PE using just

  • a tree
  • lava
  • water

Step 1: Lava!

Find a tree and cover it with lava. put one bucket of lava on the top and let it cover the whole tree. If you see open spots like in the picture put a bucket on top.

Step 2: Burn!

let the leaves, and trunk burn inside the lava. make sure all of the tree is gone or this won't work!

Step 3: Tower

build a tower like this one, and make sure when you pour water it will go on the spot where you put the lava.

Step 4: Water!

pour the water off the tower. again make sure the water hits the spot where you poured the lava

Step 5: Finishing Up

get rid of the tower, add a door, and some inside decor.

Step 6: DONE!

decorate the outside, and your done!