Introduction: Wooden Claw Keychain

this instructable will show you how to carve a out a tigers claw out of wood.
you will need :
hobby knives
approx 7cm x 7cm piece of wood
a container
approx 500ml of water

update: i made this when i was 11 so be nice 

Step 1: 1

first cut out a claw like shape out of the wood,
outline it onto a piece of wood an cut it using whatever  

Step 2: 2

soak the wood for a while in warm water, depends on what wood you use, i just used random hardwood but if you have something better suited for carving no need to soak. 

Step 3: 3

now from there start shaving edges of, its little hard to explain, just play around an use your head 

Step 4: 5

if you want it to fit on a key ring shape the back like this, but your batter of just making the back flat an screwing in a round hook 

Step 5: 6

finish off by sanding