Introduction: How to Serve"Host" Your Own Webpage From Your Pc Without Slowdown or Money!

Hi guys I wanted to post this for any who believe like I did for so
long that, "you have to pay to host a web site" and I don't mean one of them broke bad joke free pages you copy paste from mispace or yoohoo.
I mean host as in use your PC as the server even on 56k dialup roll your own down and dirty anything goes website.

I did it and you can to "for free" ,ofcorse there are some drawbacks too,because if you use dialup your not online all the time, but that is where the free page comes in.

Use your free page as a redirect to your
real page the free page should have something on it like "hi you
found me and to see my real page click here (or something of that
nature)" .
what I am talking about is a program I found as freeware
called "" you can find it by doing a simple search it is simple you extract it to c:\smallweb -put in all your pictures and
html and double click the small web icon.
it is that simple.

These are the only drawbacks "it uses an Ip address for a url",your not listed in any searches because "you have no domain", "it will only autostart a file called index.html". here's the work around.

use a freepage to redirect to your ip-url.
the freepage should have its own 404 error page for when your not online.

its UPS:
1you can be found by your free yoohoo page if you use keywords and meta tag's
2you have some anonymity and are completely safe from hacks.
3you have full control of your page"nomore unwanted Ads"
4you have full control"you can run anything you want applets,exe's

5smallwebs size only 22k"so it don't slow you down or crash you"
6your only limited by the size of your harddrive and memory.
"meaning you can run the biggest 3d adventure" you have and serve it up to the public.
7you can comfortably serve upto 255 visitors at once.

I personally "host" a 3d-visual chat on my 400mhz PC from peoplepc on 56k dialup and have had as many as 200 on at 1 time without any speed problems or account problems. Yes I said my own 3dchat aswell as gallery,downloads,guestbook and forums and the whole jazz it, is simple the prog and html tutorials are free.

by the way when smallweb starts it shows your "ip" on its dialog box just put it into your address bar like this url=
and it will take you to your site to test it. it will be the same url you put in your redirect.

*You have to make sure to allow it to connect in your firewall.

To redirect from your free page , Place the script minus the "code
tags and asterisk" used for listing here, below with your ip
within your head tags: ie between <head> and </head>.
<meta http-

later and good luck!
I know I probably should get payed for this.

Step 1: Step1

here ya go! have fun a thankyou mail or invite to see the coolest creation you could serve up would be nice.