Introduction: 3D Printed Folded Night Light

Here is a fun 3D Printed Night Light you can fold and customize to create your own design.

This is my first Instructable, I hope to add a bunch more soon!!


Choose your file you wish to use. I have (3) files attached to this Instructable:

  1. 3D Printed Folded Night Light Blank
  2. 3D Printed Folded Night Light Custom (Add Your Own Saying"
  3. 3D Printed Folded Night Light (As seen on these pics) (only STL File)

(1) CR2032 Coin Battery

(1) White LED (10 or 5 mm) Diffused works best

(1) 3D printed light design

Step 1: Insert Step File Into Autodesk 123D Design

Launch Autodesk 123D Design

  1. Select the drop down menu in the Top Upper LH Corner
  2. Select "INSERT" from the menu

A Window will pop up

  1. Select "Browse My Computer" located in the top middle banner of the window
  2. Then select "Browse" located in the middle of the window
  3. This will bring you to your computer file folders, browse to where you have saved the "3D Printed Folded Night Light Custom.stp" File and select it by double clicking your LH mouse button

Step 2: Re-position Model on Grid

The model will show up slightly off center on the grid. I like to try to work with my models somewhat centered in the grid as it is easier to orbit, pan and view.

To re-position the model

  1. Select the model and hold down using you LH mouse button. Without not letting go of the LH mouse button, move your mouse and drag the model to roughly the center of the screen


You can zoom in and out by using the scrolling wheel on your mouse. Before re-positioning the model be sure to zoom out so you can see more of the grid on your screen.

Step 3: Add the Text

If you choose to customize your Robot Night Light way cool! If not that's awesome to :) If you are using the non-custom file you can skip this step and go right to step 7!

Select the Text Tool from the Top Ribbon Bar

  1. Select the top surface using your LH mouse button inside the word balloon. This is telling the software which plane the sketch should be on.
  2. Select a point using your LH mouse button where to start typing the text. Select somewhere inside the word balloon

A Text Tool Box Will pop up on the RH side of your screen

Now, you may notice that your text might not be positioned the way you want. That's OK because we can change this!

First, Lets look at the model from the top to make it easier to position the text.

  1. The view cube is located in the Upper RH corner of the screen. Select the top of the cube using your LH mouse button

You may need to scroll in or out to position the model the way you want on your screen.

Re-Position The Text

You can position the text anyway you like in the bubble or pretty much anywhere you want on the model! It doesn't have to be in the bubble, I just put mine there.

  1. Using your LH mouse button, click and hold the white dot with the two arrows to rotate your text by moving the mouse
  2. To position the Text without changing the rotation use your LH button by clicking and holding the grey dot to position it anywhere on the model
  3. In the Text Tool Box you can type the words that you want displayed on the model in the TEXT BOX AREA. Just click in the white box where it says "text" using your LH mouse button and type anything you like.
  4. To change the Font, Select one from the drop down box
  5. To change the size, click in the white box beside "Height" and change the value to whatever size you like
  6. You can also change the angle in the text box to instead of manipulating it with your mouse. Just click in the white box using your LH mouse button beside where it says "Angle"
  7. Select "OK" when you are done to exit the command.Extrude

For this tutorial I will just use the word "HELLO" with the setting as shown in the screen shot.

TIP! You can use the text tool as many times as you like to create your saying. Sometimes it is easier to position the text if the words are separate from one another.

Step 4: Extrude the Text

First, Lets change the way we are viewing the model. In the upper RH corner hover your mouse over the view cube. You will see a little house appear, select in using your LH mouse button. This will bring you to your home view, so if you ever get lost in your model this will bring you home!

Select the Extrude Tool

Locate the top ribbon bar and find the "Construct" fly out menu. You will notice if you hover your curser over the icons at the top a word description will appear beside your curser to describe toll what you are over top of.

  1. Hover your curse over "Construct" tool menu
  2. A fly out menu will appear, select the "Extrude" tool using your LH mouse button

You will notice that a note appears by your curser that says "Select a 2D shape or Face of a solid to Extrude"

  1. Select the text using your LH mouse button. Features will glow green in the model to tell you what you are selecting before clicking your LH button. The text will appear Orange once selected.
  2. An arrow will appear, yo can drag your extrusion up or down by selecting the arrow with your LH mouse button and holding it down and moving your mouse. You will notice when you drag it up it is green (add material) and down it is red (subtract material)
  3. Drag the extrusion down, the value in the box will change as you drag the extrusion. If you wish you could also type a value in the box
  4. Don't be afraid if it goes past the model thickness, it is fine.
  5. Press the enter key when done.

If you look at the top of the model you will notice nothing much has changed but if you rotate it to view the bottom you will see the words cut out. To rotate press and hold the RH mouse button or use the rotate tool on the RH tool bar

Step 5: Turn Off the Sketch

  1. Locate the RH Tool Bar and find the an Icon that looks like an Eye with a Line throu it.
  2. Hover your curse over top of it and you will get a fly out menu
  3. Select "Hide Sketches" from the list

You will notice that you can see your cut extrusion from the top of the model now.

Step 6: Export the File for Printing

  1. In the upper LH corner drop down menu select the "EXPORT" option and select STL
  2. In the Mesh Tessellation Setting Box Select the quality of file you wish to export. I always select "FINE"
  3. Press OK and save the file

Step 7: Slice for 3D Printing

If you have a 3D printer Great! Lucky You!

If not you can send your STL file to a 3D printing shop such as mine or one close to where you live.

To slice the mesh file I will use Cura

  1. Launch Cura
  2. Select the "LOAD" button located in the upper RH part of the screen
  3. Navigate to the saved STL file from earlier and select open or double click your LH mouse button. If using the one provided with this instructable use "3D Printed Folded Night Light.stl"

See my screen shot for settings. You can use what you are comfortable with, I just found these worked best. You do not need to worry about the other tabs such as "Advanced or Plugins"

Wait about an hour and a half to finish printing!

Step 8: Fold the Light and Assemble the LED

  1. Fold on the bend lines as shown
  2. Insert the LED light in square holes
  3. Insert the Battery in slot
  4. Find a spot to put your 3D Printed Light
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