Introduction: Angel's Retractable Stake

About: i'm a French association we make decors, costumes, accessories and makes performances in costumes mascot To follow our manufacturings of costumes, accessories and performances going on my page FB: https:…

i make this Angel's retractable stake props for a friend for an french Buffy  vampire slayer convention

1- What did you make? (Tell the story of what you made and how it works. Why did you use the tools and materials you selected?)

i make this retactable stake  for a friend costume of Angel for an french Buffy the vampire slayer convention

2- How did you make it? (Tell us where you got the idea for the project. Did you work with anyone else? Did your plans and ideas change as you worked on the project?)

i make this for animation and photo shoot

3- Where did you make it? (Home, school, somewhere else? How did this connect to other activities in your life?)

i use Imitation leather black , Sliding rail &  wood to make this to my workshop in my house

4- What did you learn? (Describe your biggest challenges and any surprises that arose during the build. What are you proudest of? If you had to do it again, what would you do differently?)

i learn nothing just i love conception and making

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