Introduction: Ardiuno Pro Mini Programer Tool

About: I am a bachlor analytical chemistry student with an intrest in electronics

this project is an easy methode to program a arduino pro mini whit the uno.

the things you need for this project are:

  • Malepinheaders
    • one of 2 pins
    • one of 3 pins
  • Femalepinheaders
    • two of 6
  • protoboard
  • wire

Step 1: The Schematics

The schematics are verry easy, it is just connecting whit the pictures.

For connecting the female pinheaders look ad the PCB picture

For etching your own PCB there are PDF doc's avalible on the rigth size

Step 2: Prepare the UNO

For installing the UNO you have to remove the ATmega chip. The moste easy way to do this is with a simple tool called a IC puller or you could do it with a tweezer.or a verry smal flat screwdriver

Whe you place the IC back it better if you don't push it al the way down, so it wil be easyer to remove the next time

Step 3: Preparing the IDE

In the arduino IDE you had to select the arduino pro mini whit the exact specs of the pro mini (Frequentie and the voltage)

When you select the UNO, the programmer doesn't work

Step 4: Adding the Pro Mini

Now you had to put the shield ontop of the prepared UNO.

When you have don it than you had to pin the mini in to the shield.The moste inportant thing is that you select the good "port" for it and that the oriantation is good. The mini TXO pin had to be on the far left edge of the shield

Now you can program your mini pro just like a normal UNO