Introduction: Get Started With Arduino Nano

About: someone who likes electronics

Arduino Nano is one of the avaible Arduino board models. Has a small size, complete feature, and easy to use.

Have a size 1.70 Inch x 0.7 Inch, Arduino nano has a complete feature, such as: Atmel ATmega 328 IC, Restar button, 4 indikator LEDs, 3V3 Regulator, USB to Serial, Port I/O, etc.

For a more complete port configuration, see the picture above (figure 2 and 3).

Step 1: Install Arduino IDE

Arduino IDE is used to write and upload sketch to the Arduino board. If you haven't installed it yet, you can see in my previous article about How to Install the Arduino IDE on Windows 10.

Step 2: Required Components

Required components :

Step 3: Selec the Board That Is Used

Open Arduino IDE > Tools.

Board: "Arduino Nano"

Processor: "Atmega 328P (Old Bootloader)" ===> if an error occurs, select another option.

Port: "COM4" ===> according to the USB port you are using.

Step 4: Open and Upload Sketch

Open Sketch

Open the LED blink example sketch: File > Examples > 01.Basics > Blink.

Upload Sketch

To upload the program. Click the upload button. Wait for a moment - During the upload process, the RX and TX LEDs will flashing. If the upload is successful, the message "Done uploading" will appear in thr status bar.

Step 5: Results

The result is a red LED on Arduino will blink like the video above. I use this method to make sure the Arduino board can be used. And ready to be used to make amazing projects.

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