Introduction: Basic Arduino Time and Date Display

About: I am a Grade 8 student from australia. I have only been learning arduino for 1 month


I am Davis

This is my first ever instuctable so dont be to harsh

This is for a basic clock displayed on an LCD Display

Step 1: Setup and Equipment

First of all the equipment:

1x Arduino device ( I use a Freetronics Arduino UNO)

1x LCD Shield (I use a Freetronics LCD Display)

1x A computer

The setup is quite easy

Just clip the LCD on top of the Arduino or connect corresponding wires.

Step 2: Code

I wrote this code so it works for me, but you might have to modify it a little for your shield

Unfortunatly i could not copy it into this guide, so it will be displayed in a notepad file for download

Step 3: Output

If this was a success for you, then your shield should display the same as the image!

Please share and comment and show images if you have made a better version!

Step 4: