Introduction: Bourbon Flavored Maple Sugar

Flavored sugars are a great way to add complexity to drinks and dishes. They also make a nice finishing touch. It doesn't matter what kind of sugar or bourbon are used, I went with maple sugar because it has larger grains and I thought would go nicely with the maple bourbon nip I had.

Step 1: BoM

1/2-1 tsp Bourbon

1 cup sugar

Airtight container

Step 2: Mix

Add 1 cup of sugar to a small bowl and then add 1/2-1 tsp bourbon and mix well.

Step 3: Dry

On a cookie sheet or wax paper, spread out the bourbon sugar and let air dry.

Step 4: Jar

When the sugar is completely dry, pour it into an airtight container.

Gluten Free Challenge 2017

Participated in the
Gluten Free Challenge 2017

Makerspace Contest 2017

Participated in the
Makerspace Contest 2017