Everyone has a cd or dvd that has been scratched and wont work . Following these steps any disk can be repaired.

Step 1: Scratched DVD

A badly scratched cd or dvd that wont work anymore.

Step 2: Machine Buffer

I found a buffer cheap,this can be bought at your local hardware store . The buffer can be fitted to a normal drilling machine.The buffer i bought came with rubbing compounds-1.course-2.medium and 3.fine. Fit this into your drilling machine.Start with the medium grade rubbing compound.Then use the fine compound.

Step 3: Buffing the Disk

With the machine running add compound onto the buffer, a small quantity should be sufficient.Move the disk in a circular motion, with gentle pressure onto the buffer.This shouldn't take more than 3-4 minutes.

Step 4: Fine Buffing

Once all scratches are buffed,add some fine compound to buffer.repeat same as step 3. the end result should be as the disk was new.

Step 5: All Scratches Gone, Good As New

Good as new, Ive save many disk that i would of other wise have tossed out.