Introduction: Chocolate Peanut Butter Soymilk Smoothie

Milk tends to dissagree with me sometimes, so I like to have soy goodies available.

You can make this more healthy or, full fat/full sugar, i like it both ways. The one pictured is very very bad for your waist line.

1 cup soymilk
1 cup frozen soymilk ice cubes
2 tablespoons natural-style/creamy peanut butter
1 -2 tablespoon artificial sweetener/sugar, your choice (optional)
1 -2 tablespoon sugar free/regular chocolate syrup

The night before you want to make this, measure one cup of soymilk and freeze over night in an ice cube tray.

Add frozen soy milk to blender, then liquid soy milk, peanut butter, and sweetener. Blend till smooth.

Smoothie Contest

Participated in the
Smoothie Contest

Le Creuset Brunch Challenge

Participated in the
Le Creuset Brunch Challenge