Introduction: DON'T DROP YOUR TABLET!!!!!

About: Ex-Navy Gunner Learned to repair I.T. equipment because nobody local knew what the hell they were doing!

This INSTRUCTABLE came about today because I found that the HP Touchpad was entirely too smooth and obnoxious to grip.
Let's have a look!

Step 1: Material

I used a few feet of RUBBER grip tape, the type they use for placing on steps.
Having this on the back helps TREMENDOUSLY, and it keeps the plastic back from getting scratched all up.
Works great, but something is missing....

Step 2: Gimme a Grip!!!

The screen seems a bit slick where I handle it so....
I punched out some circles and placed them around the bezel where I would commonly grip it and the difference is FANTASTIC!!!
Give it a go and let me know how it works for you!!!