Introduction: Free Wooden Crafting Board.

This is how you make a  free crafting board! Warning this should not be used for cooking.

Step 1: Materials

-6 wood samples
-duct tape
-wood glue

Step 2: Wood

Glue together all six wood pieces with wood glue. Press them together and let it dry for at least 3 hours.

Step 3: Duct Tape

Duct tape the whole back of the crafting board.

Step 4: Done

Now you have a (almost) free crafting board!

Crafting Speed Challenge

Participated in the
Crafting Speed Challenge

Cardboard and Duct Tape Contest

Participated in the
Cardboard and Duct Tape Contest

Furniture Contest

Participated in the
Furniture Contest

UP! Contest

Participated in the
UP! Contest