Introduction: How to Peel a Pomegranate in Less Than 5 Minutes (and Make Pink Lemonade)

The key to peeling a pomegranate effectively is to do it underwater, where the seeds will splatter into the water and not on your clothes.

Step 1: Get a Bowl of Water and Peel Half the Pomegranate Underwater

1. Get a bowl of water.

2. Cut the pomegranate in half.

3. Put half of the pomegranate into the water. Turn it inside out and "tickle" the seeds out. Make sure the pomegranate stays underwater so the seeds don't splash onto clothing or around your kitchen.

Step 2: Get a Strainer

Step 3: Pour Pomegranate Water Plus Seeds Through Strainer (save the Water)

Step 4: Make Pink Lemonade With Pomegranate Water (and Eat Seeds Separately)

1. Squeeze some lemons to make lemon juice.

2. Add pomegranate water to the lemon juice.

3. Stir in some agave syrup (or other sweetener) and enjoy!