Introduction: How to Use QBoat Sunny to Build WiFi Applications

In this tutorial, we will use transfer information from DHT11 (connected to LinkIt 7697) to QBoat Sunny via HTTP. Then, the QIoT Suite Application will output the temperature every 30 seconds, and humidity every 60 seconds.


What You’ll Need:

  • QBoat Sunny
  • MediaTek LinkIt 7697
  • DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
  • AP Wireless Router
  • Files used: Download Here

Step 1: Create and Setup QIoT Application

Open QIoT Suite > IoT Applications > Import > select test.json

Step 2: Connect LinkIt 7697

Connect the DHT11 to LinkIt 7697.

  • GND to GND
  • VCC to 3V3
  • Signal to P3

Step 3: Open Dht11-wifi.ino in Arduino IDE and Change Network SSID and Password Accordingly

Download and Install the Arduino IDE here.

Step 4: Upload Dht11-wifi.ino to LinkIt 7697 Via Arduino IDE.

Step 5: Open the Serial Monitor (Ctrl + Shift + M). the Serial Monitor Will Show LinkIt’s IP Address. Copy This IP Address

Step 6: Connecting QIoT Suite to LinkIt

Head back to QIoT Suite and double-click the temp node.

Paste the DHT11’s temperature URL into the URL field, then give this node a name.

URL: http://<LinkIt's IP>/temp

Name: temp

Click Done

Step 7: ​Repeat Step 6, for DHT11’s Humidity URL.

URL: http://<LinkIt's IP>/humi

Name: humid

Click Save.

Step 8: Start the Application by Pressing the Start Node, Then Observe the Output Data by Going Into the Debug Tab.