Introduction: Insta Bot

In this tutorial we will see how to use instagram bot which likes, comments, follow and un-follow users automatically. This tutorial will work on most of the platforms of debian/linux. It is tested on Raspberry Pi , Kali and Ubuntu.

We will use the InstaBot library. This library is written in python and it works without the new Instagram API. So that you wont need to give permission to integrate instagram API or anything. This will store your credential (Username and Password) in your local computer only.

Requirements: Min. Python 2.7, Working instagram account , file must be in UTF-8 encoding if you use Python 3, orASCII in Python 2 (PEP)!

To support the project go to the Git link provided and donate to LevPasha , Share and like this tutorial.

Step 1: Setting Up

1) Download and Set up Python and pip to your computer.

$ sudo apt-get install python3

$ sudo apt-get install pip3

2) Install python lib request.

for python 3, run $ pip3 install requests

for earlier pythons, run $ pip install requests

3) Install InstaBot Git Repository.

$ git clone git://

4) Edit or create customized python file as per your need. (Next Step)

Step 2: Getting Started

Modify is ready to go example file, you can enter your credentials (Username & Password) and lift off. But there are few things I am adding you should know before that. For more details read Git repository documentation,

To test if you installed everything right please open editor and type this code. replace username and password with your actual one.

Log in to your instagram:


#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from instabot import InstaBot

bot = InstaBot('login', 'password')


If everything is alright you'll see Login successful. and then you are good to go.


bot = InstaBot('login', 'password',like_per_day=1000,








tag_list=['cat', 'car', 'dog'],

max_like_for_one_tag = 5,

unfollow_break_min = 15,

unfollow_break_max = 30,

log_mod = 0,



Like_per_day , as instagram has limit of 1000 likes a day , you should not exceed it more than 1000. if you want to like more in few hours and use those 1000 likes in ex 6 hours, you can edit according to that. but if you'll exceed you might get reported and face the ban.

tag_list=['#tag1', '#tag2', '#tag3'], To reach to specific audience you can use this. By adding tags , bot will only like and follow the media in which provided #tags are used.

follow/comment_per_day=0, This will follow or comment as per the usage. and you can replace 0 with number as many as you want.(I will suggest you to play inside couple of hundreds for this.)

for comments there are predefined code added, It will stop you from comment bans and use different comments each time when it'll run.

follow_time=5*60*60, Following time. After the 5 Mins bot will follow the each user.

log_mod=0, If you want to print or create log of the things to track the activity please use this.

Refer a table in official documentation for detailed description.

Step 3: Run. (Go)

After you finish setting up the things I mentioned earlier, you are ready to go.

get into the directory and type

$ python3

if you have another version of python or a different file name use that.

Image attached is running same scripts for 2 instagram accounts to reach to more audience.

I tested on Linux/Debian including Raspberry Pi B+/2/3 models.(By git documentation this works on all platforms including Windows) Please write in comments if you run it successfully on other platforms or face any problems.

This is my first instructable. Please comment, share and follow. Also give your suggestions. I am working on reflecting GPIO pins of Raspberry Pi via instagram, so it will be my next tutorial coming soon. Follow to stay tuned and updated.

(I will add pictures in tutorial soon.)