Introduction: Intro to

About: I love electronics .Arduino automation is an IoT network. Which is use for connecting hardware with Internet. This is specially design for ESP8266 modules. Developers has also created APIs for developers to integrate hardware with other software. The team of IOTSPT has create a user friendly environment for users. The main achievement of are as follow.

  • Real Time Communication
  • Efficient Communication

Step 1: Software Requirements

There are two software's require for

  • Arduino IDE (Download From )
    • Modify Arduino IDE for NodeMCU or ESP8266 (Follow these steps Click Here )
  • Google Chrome( or any other Web Browser)

Step 2: Hardware Requirements

To communicate with only ESP8266 is required or NodeMCU.

These both are basically are WIFI Modules. So thats why WIFI is compulsory for this.

Step 3: Getting Starting With IOTSPT

Register your self with is very simple.
Fill this signup form and then just press signup

Step 4: After Regeneration

Its provide you 12 channels for free. The things are mention in Red color is a "IOTSPT key". This is import for communication. This key is auto generated.

Others perimeters are mention below.

  • Blue Arrows are Inputs
    • Text Box input is use to enter any type of text data
    • When ON button is press it will set value to "1"
    • When OFF button is press it will set value to "0"

  • Purple one is a Output for Channels

Step 5: Setting Hardware

Download Sample code from GITHUB

This is an example code for

Step 6: Code

In this code there are two main Commands

  • Upload
  • Download


upload(channel No, Data);

upload(3, "1234");


Download( channel No);


Step 7: Feedback

Provide us feed back

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