Introduction: Kitty Paw Hamburger

I always think that food is the best ice-breaker. My friend, David, considers that kitchen is the most important part in his mini Fab Lab caravan. Most ideas come out at gathering dinner. Machines are just tools to achieve them.

Me personally love the convenience of hamburger most. There are always a lot of pre-cooked hamburgers in my refrigerator. Other ingredients, like bread, veg, tomato....add whatever you like, fun and never fail.


350g Beef mince

half Onion

10 Pickled green plum

1 teaspoon Cooking wine

1 teaspoon Soy sauce

1/2 teaspoon Salt

1/2 teaspoon Sugar

1/2 teaspoon Pepper

Step 1: Chop Half Onion

Step 2: Chop the Plums

Instead of pickles, this time I tried pickled green plums. It turned out great ! Taste no greasy. Must try!

Step 3: Mixing Everything!

Too easy to describe....just blend them! Don't worry about the taste, you can always add sauce when eating.

Step 4: Shaping

First put small amount of mixed mince into the bottom of baking molds to shape the paws. Then fill it up to 80%.Make sure there is no air inside.

Step 5: Steaming for 5-10 Mins

Pile all the moulds up in a big wok, and steam them about 5-10 mins. I only use 100 ml water. It is not necessary to fried them, unless you want the paws turning dark colour.

Step 6: Serving and Enjoying !

Serving with lettuce leaves, cheese, mango, and avocado. Healthy, easy,but still tasty. Rest hamburger can be kept in refrigerator and fried in a later time.

This recipe is really easy. Hope you like it!

Summer Food and Drink Contest

Participated in the
Summer Food and Drink Contest