Introduction: Leatherman Charge 1/4" Bit Adapter/extension

I was using my handy Leatherman Charge one day, and I thought it would be nice if I could use regular bits instead of those flat bits that I always seem to misplace. Well I had a 1/4" bit adapter next to me at the time and realized it shouldn't be too hard to use a dremel and modify it to fit in the leatherman.
So here is my first ever, instructable ;)

Step 1: Cutting and Grinding

Use another of my favorite tools, the mighty dremel, to cut the end off.

Step 2: More Cutting and Grinding

now the tricky part is to grind down the thickness of the adapter so it can fit in the leatherman's
bit slot. I measured it with a micrometer and you need to get it down to about 3mm.

Step 3: The Finished Product

now you can use regular bits and it also has a longer reach.