Introduction: Marsupial Chair - CNC Milling From 3D Model

About: I have a degree in Scenography - Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon - I have experience in 3D Illustration & 3D Animation for advertisement; stage Design for 3D holographic Concerts/Art direction/…

In the following steps - I'll quickly explain the process that I used to prototype an organic chair that I modelled in 3D software.

I developed the prototype in the FabLab Lisboa:

Author: Diogo Pereira

Marsupial Chair:

Step 1: Creating the 3D Model of the Marsupial Chair

I modelled a chair in 3D and I decided to develop the prototype in a CNC milling machine, to study the egonomy of the model. To develop the prototype I contact the FabLab Lisboa that has a CNC milling machine.

Step 2: Preparing the 3D Model for CNC Milling

I sliced the 3D model in slices of 5 cm's - the same thickness of the Styrofoam Boards.

Step 3: CNC Milling the Slices

After slicing the 3D model - I attached the slices in different groups in order to organize the CNC milling process and monetize the styrofoam boards.

Step 4: Gluing the Styrofoam

After finishing the CNC milling process, I glued all the slices and I presented the prototype in FabLab events, in Lisbon - in which the prototype is making success.