Introduction: Multi Task Raspberry 1 B(Personal Cloud + Weather Station)

About: Love DIY things .

Some time ago i remembered that there was a RPiB spare after buy a newer version .Thinking about privacy when keeping my backup files i decided to have my own cloud server. Happy with good result but not satisfied with the waste of potential from RPi i made a combo mixing a weather station + personal cloud server .

Step 1: Material List

  • A RPi B (May,also, work with RPi2, RPi3,etc)
  • A 7" inch 1024*600 LCD Display for Raspberry (choose screen size by yourself)
  • WiFi dongle or an ethernet cable attached to RPi (Only RPi3 and newer have built-in wifi)
  • Mouse and keyboard USB

Step 2: Thanks for the Ideas and Help

Notice this step is based on work of some people :

Gus :

jimk3038 :

Many thanks to kalmat for improvements on the code : Now when there is no internet connection a big clock and callendar is displayed

Step 3: Nextcloud and Weather Station Installation

These steps assumes that:
-some basics of linux are know

-Operating system raspbian stretch is already installed on RPi

-The operating system is already configured(raspi-config: SSH enabled, expanded file system to use maximum sd card space ,etc)

-IP from RPi is defined as static


Nextcloud Installation


Following sequences executed in terminal(From SSH or natively on RPi) ########################################################

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install apache2

sudo apt-get install php7.0 php7.0-gd sqlite php7.0-sqlite php7.0-curl php7.0-zip php7.0-xml php7.0-mbstring

sudo service apache2 restart

cd /var/www/html curl |

sudo tar -jxv

sudo mkdir -p /var/www/html/nextcloud/data

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/nextcloud/

sudo chmod 750 /var/www/html/nextcloud/data


Now that we have finished with that we can now finally go to Nextcloud itself and begin its installation process. To begin go to your Raspberry Pi’s IP address plus /nextcloud. For example, the address I would go to is the following:

Remember to replace example IP Address with that of your Raspberry Pi’s.

Choose your user name and password

link to tutorial i followed :


Weather Station installation


Download : ########################################################

Following sequences executed in terminal(From SSH or natively on RPi) ########################################################

tar -xvzf pywapi-0.3.8.tar.gz

cd pywapi-0.3.8

sudo python build

sudo python install


Check that things work as expected


Download and extract Weather on /home/pi folder

next command on terminal(Not SSH connection/This time native display is needed)

cd Weather

sudo python


Make it autostart after boot


sudo nano /etc/rc.local

Just before the last line, which says "exit 0", add the following to lines.

cd /home/pi/Weather

sudo python &> err.log


Step 4: Some Notes

  • Work done by kalmat has no automatic translation , i did a translation to pt-BR by hand. If someone has knowledge to work with .po files to translate would be appreciated .
  • Stability is good enough. See image above (CPU and memory usage are low)
  • download the APP for your smartphone and nextcloud client to desktop
  • There some tweaks you can do to Apache server and PHP to improve upload rate to server (google it)
  • There are other versions of weather station with background images as seen on

    jimk3038 project (improved version made by kalmat )