Introduction: Nerf AK-47

About: I'm all about tech and i love working on PCs. I might even do some DIY projects on here too.

This 'ible' will show you how to make your very own, simple yet cool, AK-47.

Step 1: What You Need

You will need: the nerf Retaliator pistol the Retaliator stock, the Retaliator barrel the nerf bayonet (another one of my instructibles) the nerf Demolisher banana clip, and the longshot scope.

Step 2: Put Them All Together

Put all the components together and there you have it! A nerf AK-47. To be most accurate when in a battle make sure that the sight on the Retaliator barrel is up. Look through the scope and level the black dot directly above the Retaliator sight. Thank you for viewing!