Introduction: Pocket-Sized Spray Paint

About: I am a jack of all trades and a master of none. =The world is prone to blind acceptance.= Opinions/Truths: Politeness shouldn't be faked, having no rules is a rule, just because you're an adult doesn't ma…

Hey internet, remember the Pocket Graffiti Pen?, instead of fainting while trying to tag something, try it with compressed air!

I am expanding on the same idea as PocketSized so he deserves most of the credit. :-)

Step 1: Supplies

You need:

-a pen with a fiber tip
-a pen tube with a hole in it
-compressed air/gas duster

The 10oz duster is a little big to fit in a pocket, but I have seen little air dusters at staples that would fit perfectly into a pocket.

Step 2: Assebly

Well its pretty much the same idea, remove the marker nib, and insert it into the ink blower. Next take your air supply, compressed gas duster, and remove the straw thinger.

Step 3: Final Assembly

Connect the ink blower to the nozzle on the gas duster, make it as airtight as possible. An idea on how to make the seal between the nozzle and the ink blower airtight, put sticky tack around the nozzle on the gas compressor and shove it into the ink blower.

Step 4: Let 'er Rip

thank you for your time.


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