Introduction: Pool Noodle Lights

About: We're Mother Daughter Projects, sharing our DIY adventures as we learn to maintain, improve, decorate, and use tech in our homes.

We made these easy lights for Steph's backyard pond.

Step 1: Collect Your Materials.

All you need is:

  • a pool noodle (they come in the typical round type but also fun shapes like this flower one)
  • battery powered tea lights
  • knife
  • optional clear wrap

We first used the clear wrap to help protect the power switch from getting wet but we realized if we cut the pool noodle long enough the water wouldn't come close to the light.

Step 2: Cut Your Pool Noodle.

Cut the pool noodle about double the length of the tea light. Add the tea light in the middle.

Step 3: Turn Your Light on and Put in a Pool or Pond!