Introduction: Quadratic Formula on TI-83

About: im Klaud

Step 1: Stuff You May Need

1. A graphing calculator capable of programming (TI83, TI84, etc)

Step 2: Getting Started

First off we need to create a new program.
Turn on the calculator and press PGRM
Go to the NEW Menu
Select Create New.

Step 3: Cover Screen

This part of the Program is the cover screen of the program.

:Disp "Quad Program
:Disp "
:Disp "
:Disp "Press enter to
:Disp "continue.

:ClrHome may be accessed in Pgrm -> I/O -> 8
:Disp may be accessed in Pgrm -> I/O -> 3
:Pause may be accessed in Pgrm -> CTL -> 8

Step 4: Main Menu

This portion is the Main Menu part of the program. Used to select Types of numbers.

:Menu("Number Types?","Real",A,"Imaginary",B
:Lbl A
:Lbl B

:Menu( can be accessed in Pgrm -> CTL -> C
:Lbl can be accessedin Pgrm -> CTL -> 9
:Goto can be accessed in Pgrm -> CTL -> 0
:Real can be accessed via Catalog
:a+bi can be accessed via Catalog

Step 5: The Core

This is the Core of the program.

:Lbl X
:Disp "AX²+BX+C
Prompt A,B,C
:Disp "(-B+√B²-4ac))/(2a)
:Disp "(-B-√B²-4ac))/(2a)
:Delvar A
:Delvar B
:Delvar C

:Prompt can be accessed in Pgrm -> I/O -> 2
:DelVar can be accessed in Pgrm -> CTL -> G

Step 6: Done

You're done! Just run it and you're good to go.

Last thing I forgot to mention. This program is MirageOS compatible due to the extra Colon at beginning. Your could run the program while its archived then.