Introduction: Recycle Your Teabags!

learn how to use your old teabags and make great greeting cards

Step 1: Teabag 1

you need...
to drink a lot of tea...
save the teabags (or invite friends to have some nice cups of tea!)
paintbrush (maybe!)

Step 2: Teabag 2

cut off the white border...

Step 3: Teabag 3

don't tell me you don't know how to make a piece of square paper!!!

make as many squares as you can with your teabag... al sizes are good

Step 4: Teabag 4

fold the squares as you like... into small triangles or kites... find out yourself

Step 5: Teabag 5

place your teabag-triangles on your paperboard and move until you find the flower you like! (you'll see there are many possibilities!)

first glue the center piece

Step 6: Teabag 6

add the other petals and find a bag for the stem

Step 7: Teabag 7

your greeting cards are ready!

if you want to see more...
for Christmas I made these

see what my kids made at school

Flower Contest

Participated in the
Flower Contest