Introduction: Triaxial Weaving Canvas (with Bias)

About: Faitmain-Faitcoeur : Handmade-Heartmade / Done with my hands from the bottom of my heart!

Classical weaving is made on two axes (vertical and horizontal).
Triaxial weaving is made on three axes (vertical and two diagonals).

Step 1:

Fournitures :
- a 46 cm x 33 cm canvas,
- 29 meters of bias (19 colors !),
- a stapler.

I would have loved to make it with satin ribbon, but it’s three times more expensive…

Step 2:

First move : vertical lines.
I stapled them behind the canvas.

Step 3:

Second move : left diagonal lines.

Step 4:

Last move : right diagonal lines.

Step 5: Pattern : First & Second Move

First move : all the bias are vertical side by side with just enough space for weaving.

Second move (starting left upper corner - repeating * to *)
(over 1) *under 1 - over 5*
(over 2) * under 4 - over 2*
(over 3) *under 1 - over 5*
(under 2) * over 2 - under 4*
*over 5 - under 1*
*under 4 - over 2* .......

My method (you will have fun reading it with my bad english...)
(*under 1 - over 5*)
2 over (under the gap shifting one column on the left) - 4 under
5 over (under the 2 over, shifting two columns on the left) - 1 under

It's a repeating design, soon you won't have to look at the pattern.

Step 6: Pattern : Last Move

Starting at the top of a "5 over" :
*2 over - 2 under - 1 over - 1 under*

Step 7:

(¤) Under the "2 over" :
*1 over - 5 under*

Step 8:

Under the "1 over" shifting 2 columns on the right :
*1 over - 1 under - 2 over - 2 under*

Step 9:

Then restart at (¤) and go on until your canvas is finished.

You can use the last pic to make your own colored pattern.

Faitmain-Faitcoeur website and online shop

Wall Overhaul

Participated in the
Wall Overhaul

Formlabs Contest

Participated in the
Formlabs Contest