Introduction: WaterMelon Snacks for Kids

About: I am a simple person by nature performing several roles in life - a daughter, a wife, a mom and a girl :-)

My daughter loves watermelons. So, I decided to use my cookie cutters and cut some cute shapes so I can see a even bigger smile on my daughter's face. Hence,this dish. Enjoy!

Step 1: Ingredients

  1. Watermelon slices
  2. Cookie sticks
  3. Cookie cutters
  4. Sprinkles

Step 2: Make and Present

  1. Cut slices of watermelon.
  2. Use cookie cutter and cut pieces
  3. Insert the cookie stick
  4. Sprinkle some sprinkles if required
  5. Serve and Enjoy!

    The Watermelon Snacks for Kids is ready. Adults can also relish and enjoy. Thank you.

Ferrous Chef: Watermelon

Participated in the
Ferrous Chef: Watermelon