Introduction: Harry Potter Wand in 10 Mins

a simple way to mamke a totally real looking hp wand

Step 1: The Stick

get a stick or dowel or chopstick of any sizefrom 8 to 13 inches

Step 2: Varnish

apply varnish on your wand to give it a shiny look

Step 3: Glue Gun (optional)

take a glue gun and use it io make different designs on the wood
sorry I didnt do the step so thers no image

Step 4: Paint

use paint to give it an ancient look
I used sliver od black and golden and lightly sanded them for a worn out look

Step 5: Handle

the handle is where you hold the wand
take a woolen string and wind it around the handle as shown in the pic
tie a knot so the string stays
your wand is ready!!

Step 6: Thank You

Thanks a lot for watching my instructable I hope it helped

p.s this is my first instructable so I'd like suggestions