

Inbox View Profile
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I am an 18-year-old student in 12th grade, I enjoy baking, running, programming, 3-D design, photography, and nature!


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Make it Real Student Design Challenge #2
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Make it Real Student Design Challenge #2
Bread Speed Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Bread Speed Challenge
Out of the Box Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Out of the Box Challenge
Sandwich Challenge 2020
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Sandwich Challenge 2020
Colors of the Rainbow Contest
Contest Winner Seventh Prize in the Colors of the Rainbow Contest
Secret Compartment Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Secret Compartment Challenge
Frozen Treats Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Frozen Treats Speed Challenge
Exercise Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Exercise Speed Challenge
Pocket-Sized Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Pocket-Sized Speed Challenge
Super-Size Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Super-Size Speed Challenge
Glue & Tape Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Glue & Tape Speed Challenge
Outdoor Cooking Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Outdoor Cooking Speed Challenge
Pets Speed Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Pets Speed Challenge
Jewelry Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Jewelry Challenge
Colors of the Rainbow Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Colors of the Rainbow Contest
Science of Cooking
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Science of Cooking

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