

Inbox View Profile
Inbox View Profile
Hi, my name is Ulrich Retief. I am currently working as a junior doctor in South Africa. Although I am very busy with my work and extracurricular activities, I love taking my mind off work and relax by doing things with my hands etc. I especially love photography, music and woodworking, but consider myself a jack of all trades, master of only a few. I hope you enjoy my work.


10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Sew Fast Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Sew Fast Speed Challenge
Photography Contest 2017
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Photography Contest 2017
Bucket Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Bucket Challenge
Make It Glow! Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Make It Glow! Contest
Zip Tie Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Zip Tie Challenge
Book It! Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Book It! Contest

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