

Inbox View Profile
LocationArad, RomaniaJoined
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Medical school graduate, homechef and food blogger. I use local, seasonal ingredients to create tasty and nutritious dishes.


10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Side Dishes Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Side Dishes Challenge
Organic Cooking Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Organic Cooking Challenge
Gluten Free Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Gluten Free Challenge
Baking Contest 2017
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Baking Contest 2017
Outdoor Cooking Contest 2017
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Outdoor Cooking Contest 2017
Gluten Free Challenge 2017
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Gluten Free Challenge 2017
Pasta Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Pasta Challenge
Cheese Challenge 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Cheese Challenge 2016
Vegan Food Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Vegan Food Challenge

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