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My name is Eric Page. I did some woodworking in my Dad's shop when I was young but took a 25 year hiatus to pursue other interests. Back at it again and really enjoying it. I recently got engaged to an amazing woman, Shirin (check out my Instructable on how I proposed), and have a dog named Pickles, who is a true buddy. I enjoy making things for both of them


10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Pets Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Pets Challenge
Design Now: In Motion Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Design Now: In Motion Contest
Homemade Gifts Contest 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Homemade Gifts Contest 2016
First Time Authors Contest 2016
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the First Time Authors Contest 2016
CNC Contest 2016
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the CNC Contest 2016
Epilog Contest 8
Contest Winner First Prize in the Epilog Contest 8

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