

Inbox View Profile
LocationChilliwack, BC, CanadaJoined
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I used to be that curious kid that broke stuff by taking it apart to figure out how it worked. But I got smarter, and now I can sometimes put it all back together! My work and hobbies overlap through an interest in Electrical systems, PLC's, Industrial Automation, and Electronics. But also I'm a huge fan of the outdoors and woodworking projects relax me. I like a good meme.


10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Build-A-Tool Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Build-A-Tool Contest
Plywood Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Plywood Contest
Toys and Games Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Toys and Games Contest
Maps Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Maps Challenge
Trash to Treasure Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Trash to Treasure Contest
PCB Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the PCB Challenge
Party Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Party Challenge
Gardening Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Gardening Contest
Holiday Decor
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Holiday Decor
Furniture Contest 2018
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Furniture Contest 2018

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