

Inbox View Profile
LocationHamburg, GermanyJoined
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I love to craft and my sons and grandchildren keep me going!


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Battery-Powered Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Battery-Powered Contest
For the Home Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the For the Home Contest
Make it Glow Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Make it Glow Contest
Organization Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Organization Challenge
Make it Move Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Make it Move Challenge
Puzzles Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Puzzles Challenge
Metal Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Metal Contest
PVC Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the PVC Speed Challenge
Make it Glow Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Make it Glow Contest
Plastic Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Plastic Challenge
Lamps and Lighting Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Lamps and Lighting Contest
DIY Summer Camp Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the DIY Summer Camp Contest

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