Introduction: Origami Cube NYC Style

first of all ...

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i was living in NY and saw this cube inside a subway booth on the 7 line (46th st)
and for days i wonder about the structure until one day i found the way to build it ... yes!

so , is not my original idea, but looks cool!!!

materials ...
6 used metrocards (nice to make another projects and is free!!)
your hands ... lol
2 oz of patience or 10 min of spare time

i have tried business cards and they work too!

good luck.

Step 1: Basic Fold

1.- six used metrocards
2.- fold to find center
3.- do not mark the crease too deep
4.- fold lower corner to meet center (paper clip is just a holder for the picture)
5.- fold the opposite way to make a hard crease
6.- fold top corner, then fold the opposite way to make a hard crease
7.- you will have this 4 triangles in one square
8.- press top and bottom triangle with one hand while pressing the right and left triangles with the other hand
9.- press hard to make as flat as you can
10.- this shape we need
11.- fold an the other side to get a symmetrical shape
12.- fold all cards to make six pieces

Step 2: Know the Parts...

front and back view in detail

identify the "flat" area or "triangle" on the sides
this will be inserted on the other parts.

Step 3: Basic Construction

i think is very clear...

the piece has sort of a candy wrap shape
two triangles on the sides and two slots on top and bottom.

triangles slide into slots.

Step 4: Locking On

the pieces have to lock on the next one with no effort needed
if they tend to separate
a.- you made a sloppy fold
b.- folds are too tight or to loose

a+b really simple
a+b+c is simple once you join them togheter

at the end all three pieces are lock in place .

Step 5: Over Then Under, Over Then Under

secret to assemble is to know all flaps goes first under (A piece ) then over ( B piece)

a goes under b
b goes under c
c goes under a

c goes over b
b goes over a
a goes over c

Step 6: Final Step

assemble all parts but one, locking into each other.
applying same principle on all sections (is really simple, trust me)

then we get to step one on this part

1.- 5 parts locked in
2.- add remaining part (this will be tricky at first)
2a.- use the 2 oz of patience... parts will start to separate assemble them back again and be gentle!
3.- lock first one end , then move to the opposite one middle parts will fall in place
4.- lock slots on the last part and notice the lapped over triangle
5.- make a crease in the middle of triangle
6.- fit through slot place thumb on the outside and press to make triangle flat again (inside)
7.- i knew all along... you can do it!!
8.- finished
9.- rinse and repeat ....

my next xmas tree will have this all over it ... (not)
and i will hang one on my rear view mirror ... (not)

lol have fun and if you need directions send me a message.

please comment and rate.