Introduction: Paper Fridge Magnets
How to make paper shape magnets for your kids.
Step 1: Tools and Materials
Gather your tools and materials.
- cute paper
- self adhesive laminate
- magnetic tape
- scissors
- pencil
- something to trace with
Step 2: Trace
Trace your items on the back of your chosen paper. You can also freehand if you prefer.
Step 3: Cut
Carefully cut out your shapes.
Step 4: Laminate
Cut off an appropriate amount of the self adhesive laminate. The laminate I used has a graph to make it easier to get the same amount for each side of your project.
Step 5: Laminate
Carefully remove the protective sheet from one of your laminate pieces and lay your shape on the sticky side.
Step 6: Laminate
Remove the protective sheet from the other piece of laminate and carefully lay the sticky side down so both sides of the paper are covered. Smooth it out pressing around the edge of the paper.
Step 7: Trim
Trim the excess laminate off.
Step 8: Magnetize
Cut off a small piece of the magnetic tape.
Step 9: Magnetize
Remove the protective sheet from the piece of magnetic tape and place sticky side down onto the back of the paper.
Step 10: Done
Your magnet is ready to stick on the fridge!