Introduction: Grilled Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus

About: Just a normal guy trying to make it in life .Good paying job but mindless sometimes .I enjoy making things in my garage to keep my mind going .. Its fun making something new but its more fun taking something…
Prosciutto wrapped asparagus is one of our favorite appetizers.You make them by wrapping thinly sliced  prosciutto around the asparagus spears and  grill them.
If you would like to grow asparagus please click on the link...

Step 1: Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus Ingredients

(1)  1 package thinly sliced Prosciutto

(2) 1 cluster fresh asparagus spears

(3)  olive oil

(4)   (OPTIONAL)  Gorgonzola cheese

Step 2: Preparing the Wraps

(1) Take each asparagus spear and bend them ,Where they snap throw the bottom part away .

(2) Drizzle olive oil on all the spears

(3) Next take a thinly sliced piece of prosciutto and wrap it tightly around the asparagus

(4)  OPTIONAL  We tried putting a small amount of Gorgonzola cheese on a few of the wraps  for a added different taste.

(5)  Grill the prosciutto wrapped asparagus on low heat  on the top rack  so the asparagus and prosciutto cooks evenly.

Step 3: Enjoy !

 Enjoy your Prosciutto wrapped asparagus .....
Italian Food Contest

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