Introduction: Ram Horns

About: Wow I forgot I already made an account when I was 13. The old instructables stay, no matter how bad or cringy.
These are some horn I did for a faun/satyr costume.
They are ram style because the ram is my favorite of all the goats. And I also happen to be an aries. :D
It is very simple and you can make it our of stuff you have around your house, most likely.
These are also specifically for my ranaissance costume [satyr] which I will post the rest of as I complete each part.

Step 1: Making the Basic Frame

I was going to make the frame out of chicken wire, but I looked and OH NO I dont have any :(
SO instead I decided to use flux [or whatever its called], a super bendy, lightweight, fast melting wire used for sodering.

Basicly, I made a triangle shape with the three points kinda like this: (.'.) if that makes sense. Then I bent it into a curly spiral shape, like a rams horn.

Its a little hand to visualize the full shape when its like this, but once your confident with the size and shape, start covering the frame with tape.

Dont do it too tight if your using wire, because it will bend it all out of shape. I did that a little bit, you can see it when i put it up to my head, but i did not do it so much so I didnt bother fixing it. I used blue duck tape because I couldnt find my masking tape. It doesnt really matter though. Duck tape just makes it heavier.

Step 2: Papier Mache` Time

Time to go back to the second grade, its papier mache` time!

You all know how to make papier mache` right?
If not, fill a bowl or something with a little water, add flour to that untill its thick, but still very much a liquid. And add some white glue for strength. Dip torn up bits of newspapier it there and you've got the basic building blocks of any ammature[or not] craft project.

So first you put a basic covering coat on the frame, or maybe out down two layers of newspapier.
Let that dry. I hung mine on a broken hanger to do so.

Step 3: Making Ridges

Next we put some awesome ridges on this bad boy.
i did this using one size or thin[ish] rope. You can use any string or rope of any size [or a couple different sizes, for a cool varying effect] depending on the size and type of the horns.
fist I wrapped the horns in a spiral shape and decided I didnt like it. So I took it off and re-wrapped it slowly around the horn to make it look like the ringes are like rings around, instead of spiraling. Again, this is just a look im trying to create. It can be done any sort of way.

Then I secure the ends of the rope with tape. I found my masking tape after I took these pictures, which is good for the next step because the color matches better.

For the next and last layers of papier mache` I used peices of tissue papier instead of newspaper for a neat effect because I dont plan on painting them. This gives them natural color variation without peices of yucky colores paper sticking through.

Because I used tissue papier, I brushed some mache` goop onto the rope and all up in the spaces between the ridges, layed down some strips then pressed them into the spaces to preserve the ridges. Then painted more good ontop of that. I did this because if you dip the tissue papier into the goop it will justend up falling apart and deteriorating. Plus this way gives you a better seal and makes the horns stronger.

Let them dry.

Step 4: Finishing the Horns.

Once the tissue papier mache` dries, its a good idea to use some sort of sealant/glaze on the horns.
Unless you want to paint them first. I wanted mine bone-colored-white, so i didnt paint them. But anyways, definetly seal them when your done.

Papier mache` doesnt last when wet.

I used some old sculpey glaze I had lying around, just anything will do really, even clear spray paint. As long as it makes a barrier between horns a weather.

And you're done:D