Introduction: Secret Note Passer Pen............

About: Hello! I am a an Instructabler. I enjoy many stuff as you can see from my interests section. I am a traceur. I like to play games. I hope to be nice. Yeah.... I, I, I.... :T
This is a pen that will let you pass secret notes in or out of school!
You might use it for, passwords, gossip (not recommended), news........
and all sorts of stuff! Whatever you want to use it for.

P.S. This is my first instructable so I hope I do good!

Step 1: Materials

Here you will need to get all your materials.

*pen (paper mate is recommended)
*gum packaging without the gum
*teeth or pliers

Step 2: Assembly #1

Take the pen and pull it apart.

Step 3: Assembly #2

Take the paper out of the gum package, and unfold it.
The paper that the gum is in.

Step 4: Assembly #3

Take a small piece of tape, and put it on the unfolded piece of paper.
Then you tape it to the pen stem.

Step 5: Assembly #4

Now roll up the paper on the pen so it is flush.

I only made it stick out for the picture!
So don't do that.

Step 6: ........End :-)

Now slide the pen back into the pen tube,
but don't slide it in all the way. Leave
a little gap, so you don't always have to struggle
to open it!